
22th May 2024

FLIDAS version 4.15.2 has been released. This version improves CH7 decoding stability for corrupted streams and offers usability improvements.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

Basic commercial plug-in:

General new features:

There are some more smaller bug fixes and usability improvements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

7th February 2024

FLIDAS version 4.15.1 has been released. This version supports a new, separately available plug-in for a specific Ethernet parameter decoding. It also has a lot of usability improvements.

New NDO plug-in:

New features in the parameter plug-in:

General new features:

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

14th November 2023

FLIDAS version 4.15.0 has been released. This version adds support for binary UART and user defined computer-generated data parameter decoding and introduces a recording gap view.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

New features in the free version:

There are some more smaller bug fixes and improvements on robustness and usability.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

12th June 2023

FLIDAS version 4.14.0 has been released. This version upgrades to a new version of the user interface framework used for FLIDAS. There are also some other improvements.

FLIDAS upgraded to the latest version of the Eclipse RCP framework. As a result from this the required system configuration is now Windows 10 or later and Java 17 or later. Java 32-bit is not supported anymore, you will need a 64-bit Java installation. Note that even if you have a 64-bit Windows system you might still run Java 32-bit. Details about Java installation can be found in the installation chapter 2.1. It is usually an easy installation of free software you can do yourself without an administrator.

You may still be able to run FLIDAS with older Windows and Java (but 64-bit). A quick test worked out on Windows 7 and Java 11. However this is unofficial and without liability. Still you can report problems.

New features in the free version:

New features in the parameter plug-in:

There are some more smaller bug fixes and improvements on robustness and usability.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

27th March 2023

FLIDAS version 4.13.0 has been released. This version primarily improves support for TMATS PCM ICDs.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

10th January 2023

FLIDAS version 4.12.1 has been released. This version is primarily a quick bug fix for the support for Safran Data Systems recorder CH10 file segmentation. Users that don't use these files don't need to update.

New features in the free version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

14th December 2022

FLIDAS version 4.12.0 has been released. This version primarily adds support for Safran Data Systems recorder CH10 file segmentation and audio from numeric PCM parameters.

New features in the free version:

New features in the parameter plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and corrections.

Also there is a general change in the pricing. The price calculation for upgrades was reduced. Until now it was 40% of the release price per year, now it changes to 35%. In order to keep the investment of existing upgrade customers, the prices of the releases have been increased in a way that the price for a year of upgrades is like the price before. The increase in the release price also reflects the current inflation rate and features that have been added since the last price change 21 months ago. Existing and potential customers with existing quotes can still order for the quoted price.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

13th September 2022

FLIDAS version 4.11.0 has been released. This version primarily adds support for the latest IRIG106-22 standard and iNET-X.

New features in the free version:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and corrections.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

8th June 2022

FLIDAS version 4.10.0 has been released. This version primarily adds support for user interface scaling and basic support for TSPI format 1.

New features in the free version:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and corrections.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

28th February 2022

FLIDAS version 4.9.0 has been released. This version primarily adds minimum and maximum definition to parameters.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

New features in the parameter streaming plug-in:

New features in the free version:

There are other smaller changes and corrections.

If you have issues with licensing: The calculation of minimum and maximum values for parameters uses an external library for higher degree polynomials. So the Apache Commons Mathematics Library has been added (in the commercial parameter or parameter streaming version). It uses an open-source license. The licensing information on FLIDAS has been updated.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

11th November 2021

FLIDAS version 4.8.0 has been released. This version improves support for message data type and IENA.

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

New features in the free version:

New features in the parameter plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and corrections.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

3rd August 2021

FLIDAS version 4.7.0 has been released. This version improves support for CH7 analysis and adds support for TSPI NMEA 0183.

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

New features in the free version:

New features in the parameter plug-in:

New features in the commercial streaming plug-in:

There are other smaller changes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

3rd May 2021

FLIDAS version 4.6.0 has been released. This version improves support for distributed CH10 multiplexer sources.

New features in the free version:

New features in the commercial streaming plug-in:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

16th February 2021

FLIDAS version 4.5.0 has been released. This version delivers first features to support CH10 files from independent CH10 multiplexer sources.

New features in the free version:

New features in the parameter plug-in:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

30th January 2021

There was a bug in the FLIDAS free version (commercial not affected). The CH10 to XML export was not working. The bug is fixed now and there are no other changes. The release is called

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

11th November 2020

FLIDAS version 4.4.0 has been released. This version improves usability for instrument panels and parameter graph viewer.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

5th September 2020

There was am update on 9th September 2020

Customers are requesting test data from time to time. Often no public domain data is available. To overcome this some public domain test data has been converted to a valid CH10 file.

The original data is from a big number of recordings from a four engine short haul regional aircraft. The original data can be found on a NASA website. The data made available here is a flight from the 14th September 2001 from Mineapolis - Saint Paul International Airport to Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky International Airport. The flight itself lasts 1:30 hours while the recording is about 1:50 hours.

The data has been converted to ARINC 429 using standard parameter definitions for these equipments:

Not all available data has been converted but may be in further releases. The sampling rate of parameters is 16, 8, 4, 2 or 1 times per second.

The CH10 file comes with five FLIDAS ICD files describing the contained parameters. The files are CSV files so everyone should be able to read it and use the data also without FLIDAS. Note that the parameter length includes the sign bit. The data set also contains a FLIDAS ICD mapping file which associates the ICDs with the according Arinc 429 subchannels. Another part of the data set is a FLIDAS instrument panel file offering some visualization of the parameters using maps, attitude indicator, airspeed indicator etc. ICD mapping, ICD and instrument panel files are supposed to reside in the same directory.

For properly using the FLIDAS ICDs you need to make sure you use a "." as decimal separator. You could do this by using an English (US) localization for example (in FLIDAS: Window > Preferences > General > Locale) or adapting the CSV files manually.

You can download the dataset here (about 3-4 MB).

For those interested: The data was converted using the XML CH10 Mapping defined in the CH10 Programmers Handbook (RCC document 123-16) appendix P/Q (or RCC 123-20 appendix Q/R) and implemented even in the free FLIDAS version. The original Matlab data was extracted to CSV files. These were loaded from a custom Java program that created the XML file which was then converted to CH10 using FLIDAS.

28th August 2020

FLIDAS version 4.3.0 has been released. This version mainly improves instrument panels and offers a new type of external live processing support.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

New features in the data streaming plug-in:

There are other smaller changes and bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

29th May 2020

FLIDAS version 4.2.0 has been released. This version mainly improves instrument panels.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

New features in the parameter streaming plug-in:

Free version:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

There were several bug fixes, especially in the area of analog data decoding. Most of them were in really unlikely data formats that have never been seen in real files (sample bit sizes > 32 bit or unpacked LSB padded mode). Also parameter decoding (not raw data processing) of 32 bit analog parameters was wrong when the MSB was set. It is unclear if there are any 32 bit analog CH10 devices on the market.

There is another bug fix about the treatment of PCM throughput parameters during CH10 file replay to instrument panels when changing the replay position.

There are other smaller changes and bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

19th March 2020

FLIDAS version 4.1.0 has been released. This version extends instrument panels to the use with CH10 files (not only live data streams) and adds new gauges.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

New features in the parameter streaming plug-in:

New features in the data streaming plug-in:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

There are other smaller changes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

20th January 2020

FLIDAS version 4.0.0 has been released. This version adds user defined instrument panels with gauges to display live parameters.

New features in the parameter streaming plug-in:

New features in the parameter plug-in:

There are other smaller changes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

04th December 2019

There is a new free tutorial about IRIG 106 chapter 10 recoding files available. It indroduces to general chapter 10 file topics and covers also related topics like the organizations behind the standard and other chapters of IRIG 106 like PCM, TMATS and recorder command and control. It is more directed to people new to the topic who think about introducing CH10 in their flight tests.

The tutorial is a rework of a short training course that has been given to a customer.

17th October 2019

FLIDAS version 3.18.0 has been released. This version mainly improves IRIG 106 chapter 7 support.

New features in the commercial data streaming plug-in:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

Free version:

In general Live Displays have been renamed to Live Processors as more and more features do background processing rather than displaying something.

There are other smaller changes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

26th August 2019

Diversified Technical Systems (DTS) has agreed to be published as a new user of FLIDAS in the customer list.

Many customers sadly do not allow to be listed at all.

05th August 2019

FLIDAS version 3.17.0 has been released. This version mainly updates to the recently released 2019 version of IRIG 106.

Free version:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

New features in the commercial parameter plug-in:

There are other smaller changes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

31st July 2019

Hensoldt has agreed to be published as a new user of FLIDAS in the customer list.

Many customers sadly do not allow to be listed at all.

25th July 2019

The 96th Test Wing at the Eglin Air Force Base from the US Air Force has agreed to be published as a new user of FLIDAS in the customer list.

Many customers sadly do not allow to be listed at all.

23rd July 2019

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has agreed to be published as a new user of FLIDAS in the customer list.

Many customers sadly do not allow to be listed at all.

11th June 2019

FLIDAS version 3.16.0 has been released. This version mainly improves the quick look capabilities in live streaming.

New features in the commercial data streaming plug-in:

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

New features in the commercial parameter streaming plug-in:

New features in the commercial parameter plug-in:

Free version:

FLIDAS now gives more details on third party licenses that apply to the underlying Eclipse framework.

There are other smaller changes and bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

11th February 2019

FLIDAS version 3.15.0 has been released. This version mainly adapts FLIDAS to newer Java versions.

Java topics


In more details:

In the not widely adopted Java 9 some things changed that made some older application not run out of the box as it was always experienced before. This was an attempt to straighten some things up in Java. In order to support the newer Java version, FLIDAS needed to migrate to a newer version of the underlying Eclipse Platform. It was migrated to the newest version that still officially supports 32 Bit Java versions.

Another Java issue is that the Java update policy of Oracle changed. They have now completely open-sourced Java and it is easy to get releases from different distributors based on the same source code. The previous commercial FLIDAS license had a clause that newer FLIDAS releases may terminate support for Java versions that were beyond the Oracle's "end of public updates" date. This date has come for Java 8 now (but FLIDAS keeps supporting it for now). This date has also passed for Java 9 and 10. A definition based on "end of public updates" does not make sense anymore in the new Oracle Java update policy as this would mean it runs out for each version half a year after release. The commercial FLIDAS license has changed now. The support for any Java version may be discontinued one year after a new Oracle LTS (long term support) version is released. This should be every three years and will give everyone one year to migrate to the latest LTS version. And of course you are then still allowed to use older FLIDAS versions with the older Java versions (see license section in manual).

Although the support guarantees are based on the Oracle dates, you are not limited on Oracle Java. Oracle will require a commercial Java license for commercial use or the Oracle JDK for the future. You can get free versions based on the same source code for example even from Oracle from another website than before: An example for other builds of the same source code is Both builds come without installer. You can even integrate them in the FLIDAS directory without installation if you follow the manual chapter 5.1 for portable installation. For this it does not matter if you download a "JDK" or "JRE".

Oracle is still contributing development even to the open source Java and there are other big companies like IBM supporting it. There is no worry about obsolescence.

Since Java 9 only 64 Bit Java versions are distributed by Oracle. This means that by the new FLIDAS license the support for the last 32 bit version of Java 8 could be terminated one year after the JDK 11 LTS (long term support) version was released. This means 32 Bit FLIDAS support is not guaranteed beyond September 2019. This does not mean it will be immediately dropped but there is no guarantee anymore.

To clarify this: This FLIDAS release just allows using Java 9 or later. You can still stay on Java 8 if you prefer.

Other changes

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

Parameter plug-in:

Free version:

There are other smaller changes and bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

24th January 2019

FLIDAS version 3.14.0 has been released. This version mainly improves raw data export and supports more data types.

New features in the free version:

Basic commercial plug-in:

There is one smaller bug fix.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

9th November 2018

FLIDAS version 3.13.0 has been released. This version mainly improves support for embedded protocols (IENA + Chapter 7) and CH10 verification.

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

Free version:

There are some other smaller bug fixes and improvements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

16th August 2018

FLIDAS version 3.12.0 has been released. This version mainly improves protocol error analysis and localization and adds some IENA support.

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

Parameter plug-in:

Free version:

There are some other smaller bug fixes and improvements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

28th May 2018

FLIDAS version 3.11.0 has been released. This version mainly adds an ICD format to decode text based UART communication to engineering values.

New features in the parameter plug-in:

Basic commercial plug-in:

Free version:

There are some other smaller bug fixes and improvements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

12th May 2018

Data Bus Tools has just confirmed the participation at the European Telemetry and Test Conference 2018 (ettc2018) in Nuremberg, Germany from 26th to 28th June 2018. It is colocated with the Sensor + Test 2018 trade fair. You can meet us at the booth 2-205 from STT-SystemTechnik.

19th March 2018

FLIDAS version 3.10.0 has been released. This version mainly adds CH10 file format verification and improves file debugging support.

New features in the basic commercial plug-in:

Free version:

There are some other smaller bug fixes and improvements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

23th January 2018

FLIDAS version 3.9.0 has been released. This version mainly improves support for Linux and adds features for UART decoding.

New features in the free version:

Basic commercial plug-in:

Parameter plug-in:

There are some other smaller bug fixes and GUI adaptations.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

30th November 2017

FLIDAS version 3.8.0 has been released. This version offers support for PCM bit error rate tests and adds the missing IRIG 106-17 XML TMATS support.

New features in the free version:

Basic commercial plug-in:

Data Streaming plug-in:

Parameter plug-in:

Parameter streaming plug-in:

There are some other smaller bug fixes.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

20th September 2017

FLIDAS version 3.7.0 has been released. This version adapts to the IRIG 106-17 release and offers some XML CH10 mapping extensions to allow hardware and software developers creating test data for IRIG 106-17.

Since the IRIG 106-17 specification has not been completely published (the XML TMATS is delayed), all features have only been implemented without the TMATS XML 2017 support. This will most likely be added with the next version.

New features in the free version:

Basic commercial plug-in:

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

13th September 2017

The Canadian Armed Forces have agreed to be published as a user of FLIDAS. They have been using it for almost a year now in their Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment (AETE). The users are however not allowed to give any personal statements due to their internal policies. Many customers sadly do not allow to be listed at all.

20th July 2017

FLIDAS version 3.6.0 has been released. This version focuses on parameter decoding for new data types: CVSD, Ethernet UDP and discretes.

Especially the CVSD audio features could only be implemented because a customer provided sample data for it. Often the implementation of new features requires samples and will be implemented in the regular versions of FLIDAS without additional payment from customers. So if there are generic feature requests that you can support with sample data, please provide it. The Ethernet UDP and discrete features were only implemented because of requests of a prospect customer also without payment.

The new features in more detail:

Parameter plug-in:

Parameter streaming plug-in:

Basic commercial plug-in:

Free version:

There is also one important bug-fix on the PCM decommutation in the packed mode. The last PCM word of each minor frame in packed mode has been decoded wrong if the bits of the minor frame were no multiple of the used alignment of the recorder (mostly 16 bit, sometimes 32 bit). In reality most people seem to use the throughput mode of PCM anyway.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

29th May 2017

FLIDAS version 3.5.0 has been released. This version focuses on usability improvements and frequency spectrum analysis for analog live data. There are also new system requirements.

Free version:

Basic commercial plug-in:

Data Streaming plug-in:

There are also several bug-fixes and robustness improvements against invalid files. Some of the bug-fixes are:

There has been a clarification on the exported time stamps created using the Time Representation Wizard Page. If these indicate nanoseconds since something then this will always be based on an 86400 seconds day and not be modified by leap seconds. If the date represented by this uses leap seconds or not depends on your time source.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

13th March 2017

FLIDAS version 3.4.0 has been released. This version focuses on new Live Display capabilities and commercial features for the XML CH10 Mapping. It also improves the performance.

Free version:

Basic commercial plug-in:

Data Streaming plug-in:

There are further performance improvements in the area of creating MATLAB (MAT4) files and in analog sample handling.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

19th January 2017

FLIDAS version 3.3.0 has been released. This version focuses on new Live Display capabilities and introduces TMATS ICD definitions.

Parameter plug-in:

Data Streaming plug-in:

Free version:

There are some more smaller bug fixes and improvements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

14th September 2016

FLIDAS version 3.2.0 has been released. This version focuses on new Live Display capabilities and an official XML CH10 Mapping.

Parameter Streaming plug-in:

Data Streaming plug-in:

Free version:

It is intended to discontinue Windows XP and Java 7 support. Both are no longer supported by the developers. This doesn't mean FLIDAS will definitely not work with Windows XP anymore. Oracle claims that Java 8 can be installed on Windows XP but there is no support for it in case it fails under special system configurations. For new customers we will try to avoid any Windows XP or Java 7 dependencies.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

19th July 2016

FLIDAS version 3.1.0 has been released. This version focuses on Parameter decoding and PCM raw data capabilities on Live Data Streams. There are only insignificant extensions in the free version.

Data Streaming plug-in:

Parameter plug-in:

Parameter Streaming plug-in:

In future versions more Live Displays like the PCM Raw Data Live Display shall be introduced to further data types like MIL-STD 1553B. Also there shall be some work on configurable display pages for Parameter Live Displays including graphical widgets.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

20th June 2016

FLIDAS version 3.0.0 has been released. This version mainly creates the base for a new line of features: Processing live data from UDP Data Streams. Most of the first features are for free.

Free version:

Data Streaming plug-in (this will be a new commercial plug-in but is right now provided to existing customers for free as it has only a few features):

Parameter plug-in:

To get familiar with the new Data Streaming go through the new Data Streaming tutorial in the manual.

A general note on UDP Data Streaming: The UDP protocol is not guaranteed to operate without data loss and gives no guarantees on delays on Ethernet. These are results of the UDP and Ethernet specification. The operating systems used for FLIDAS are not real-time capable. This makes guarantees on the delay between occurrence of data and the display impossible. All of these restrictions apply to other CH10 software using UDP Data Streaming and Windows / Linux OS as well and are results of IRIG106 and your system environment. If your testing cannot sustain potential data loss and unknown delays it is up to your judgement to use it or not. The free version can already be used to test data losses and performance in your environment and you can ask for evaluation versions of the commercial features too. However usually regular PCs can handle hours of reception without data loss and achieve a delay of one or two seconds depending on your choices on the synchronization mode. Both delays are mainly due to the requirements in the IRIG 106 CH10 Standard and FLIDAS usually adds only some milliseconds to the delay. FLIDAS will make use of multi-core CPUs and the use is recommended for Data Streaming.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

11th April 2016

Our customer TAURUS Systems GmbH agreed to release some information about a project within which the department for Missile Engineering and Flight Trials started to use FLIDAS and a dedicated plug-in as their primary CH10 processing software. Read more about this sample project here.

29th March 2016

FLIDAS version 2.11.2 has been released. This version offers some improvements not fitting into the scope of other versions. Also the warranty period has improved for new customers.

Free version:

Basic version:

There are more minor usability improvements not listed here.

We have further simplified the license contract. The old license contract limited the warranty to one year in most cases. The new license removes this restriction therefore falling back to the regular German law which currently defines the default warranty period to two years.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

15th to 16th March 2016

Christian Rueck, owner of Data Bus Tools participated at the Range Commanders Council (RCC) meeting in Redstone Arsenal in Hunsville, AL in the USA. The RCC is defining the IRIG 106 standard and the main goal of the meeting was to discuss open issues for the upcoming 2017 standard before a draft is released.

The XML CH10 Mapping proposed by Data Bus Tools and implemented by our FLIDAS software made it to the draft of the official IRIG 106 Programmers Handbook that should be released soon. The prototype implementation is available for free download.

19th January 2016

FLIDAS version 2.11.1 has been released. This version offers some minor improvements and bug fixes not fitting into the scope of other versions.

Free version:

Basic version:

Some more improvements and details can be seen in the version history in the manual.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

11th December 2015

FLIDAS version 2.11 has been released. This version offers improvements for the Parameter Graph View and new ICD options and has additional support for a common problem coming from the IRIG 106 specification regarding Subchannels. It also contains some bug fixes.

Free version:

Parameter plug-in:

Basic version:

Some more improvements and details can be seen in the version history in the manual.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

Also the FLIDAS version containing the XML CH10 Mapping has been updated in a separate free release. It contains the same features as the regular free release with additional prototyping functionality.

16th October 2015

FLIDAS version 2.10.2 has been released. The version offers some bug fixes for the separate time stamp asynchronous sampling and adds two communication summaries.

Basic version:

Parameter plug-in:

AIDASS plug-in:

Some more improvements and details can be seen in the version history in the manual.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

2nd September 2015

FLIDAS version 2.10.1 has been released. This version offers a small bug fix and some smaller usability improvements. Also the XML CH10 Mapping has been updated in a separate free release.

Parameter plug-in:

Some more smaller improvements in the free version can be seen in the version history in the manual.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

XML CH10 Mapping (separate version):

17th August 2015

FLIDAS version 2.10 has been released. This version integrates the changes from the latest IRIG 106-15 release and adds Exporters to multiple files at once.

Free version:

Basic version:

Parameter plug-in:

Some more smaller improvements can be seen in the version history in the manual.

See the FLIDAS page for more details and the free download.

25th June 2015

The prototype for the XML to CH10 mapping has been updated. It now also supports conversion from CH10 to XML. It is now possible to turn CH10 files in XML, modify some properties and convert them back to CH10. This can be used to create specific test cases from real recordings by injecting errors. It can be used in CH10 recorder and software validation or development testing.

The prototype is available for free download as long as the specification evolves. Find out more on:

The specification of this XML language was a Data Bus Tools response to a change request (CR031) by the RCC.

See the XML CH10 mapping page for more details.

1st June 2015

FLIDAS version 2.9 has been released. This version improves the overview over data traffic and supports the preparation of test data.

Basic version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

14th April 2015

FLIDAS version 2.8 has been released with three new feature groups:

Free version

Basic version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

09th March 2015

FLIDAS version 2.7.1 has been released. This version primarily improves usability:

Free version

Parameter plug-in:

Basic version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

26th January 2015

Data Bus Tool proposed a specification for an XML to CH10 mapping in response to a change request (CR031) by the RCC. There is also a prototype implementation available for download. Comments for improvement are welcome.

See the XML CH10 mapping page for more details.

16th January 2015

FLIDAS version 2.7 has been released. This version primarily improves CAN bus support, also for Zodiac Data Systems DATaRec4 customers:

Parameter plug-in:

Basic version:

A new DATaRec4 CAN bus plug-in is available to integrate CAN bus data included in CH10 files in the Zodiac Data Systems DATaRec4 format. The plug-in allows working with this CAN data as with regular CH10 CAN buses. This plug-in also demonstrates the capability of integrating vendor specific data formats into FLIDAS on a plug-in base.

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

20th November 2014

FLIDAS version 2.6.1 has been released. This version primarily offers improvements for Parameter export and display:

Parameter plug-in:

Free version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

04th November 2014

FLIDAS version 2.6 has been released. This version mainly adds analog CH10 Data Type Parameter decoding and improves the graphical display of Parameters:

Parameter plug-in:

Free version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

2nd October 2014

Some information about the FLIDAS architecture has been released to show how it achieves extensibility and platform independence and can be used as a building block in your flight testing department. See here how the software is designed to do so..

23rd September 2014

FLIDAS version 2.5 has been released. This version mainly adds a graph display for Parameters and some video features:

Free version:

Basic version:

Parameter plug-in:

There are further smaller usability and robustness improvements.

The system requirements have changed to require a Java version of at least 7. This is right now only formally since Java 6 reached the end of its supported life this February. This version should still run under Java 6. However future versions might make use of Java 7 features without further announcements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

29th August 2014

FLIDAS version 2.4.1 has been released. This version mainly adds supercommutation for PCM Parameters:

Free version:

Parameter plug-in:

There are further smaller usability and robustness improvements.

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

13th August 2014

FLIDAS version 2.4.0 has been released. This version mainly adds Parameter decoding for PCM Channels:

Free version:

Basic version:

Parameter plug-in:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

5th August 2014

Starting with the new GSS100r 1.3 version, information on this product will only officially be released through the website of our partner MBS Electronics to guarantee a single source of information.

21st July 2014

FLIDAS version 2.3.0 has been released. This version adds features and usability improvements for various areas that did not fit into the themes of the previous versions:

Free version:

Basic version:

Parameter plug-in:

A few more bug fixes and usability improvements exist.

Other objectives of this version were:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

23rd June 2014

FLIDAS version 2.2.0 has been released. This version primarily adds PCM support on Protocol level. There were also significant changes to the free version.

Free version:

Basic version:

Parameter plug-in:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

26th May 2014

FLIDAS version 2.1.1 has been released. This version adds support for Unicode UTF-8 character encoding. In effect this allows the use of other language's letters like Japanese, Chinese or Cyrillic in Parameter names and engineering units. It also allows additional mathematical symbols there. The writing direction is unchanged left to right.

See the FLIDAS page for more details or visit us at the European Telemetry and Test Conference 2014 (etc2014) in Nuremberg, Germany from 3rd to 5th June 2014 in booth F-205 for a presentation.

28th April 2014

FLIDAS version 2.1.0 has been released. This version primarily adds support for MIL 1553B Parameter decoding, adds features to general Parameter handling and widens the scope of protocol level analysis. The most important changes are:

Parameter plug-in:

Basic version:

Free version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details or visit us at the European Telemetry and Test Conference 2014 (etc2014) in Nuremberg, Germany from 3rd to 5th June 2014 in booth F-205 for a presentation.

24th April 2014

Data Bus Tools has just confirmed the participation at the European Telemetry and Test Conference 2014 (etc2014) in Nuremberg, Germany from 3rd to 5th June 2014. You can meet us at booth F-205. This will also be the first opportunity to see FLIDAS 2.1 with support for MIL-STD 1553 Parameter decoding.

7th April 2014

The new FLIDAS Parameter plug-in is already being used by the German Armed Forces at the Bundeswehr Technical and Airworthiness Center for Aircraft (WTD 61). They said they prefer post processing software over live displays and pointed out FLIDAS stability and ease of use.

13th March 2014

FLIDAS version 2.0.0 has been released. This version primarily adds concepts for decoding of raw data to engineering units. At first this is supported for ARINC 429 and some NMEA 0183 Parameters. These features are integrated in a new Parameter Plug-in that is an add-on to the basic version. Some features have also been added to the other versions.

Parameter plug-in:

Basic version:

Free version:

See the FLIDAS page for more details.

Click here to see older news that has been archived.